When and How to Take Protein Powder

Proteins are one of the most important nutrients for human health; protein powders are therefore widely used – as food supplements – by sportsmen, by those following slimming diets, but also by those who follow a vegan or vegetarian diet and wish to increase the protein intake in their daily diet.

In this article we will explore the various types of protein powders and above all how and when to take them.

What are proteins for?

Proteins are the basis of life: every cell in the human body contains proteins, which are in turn made up of amino acids.

Their purpose is to repair and create new cells. That’s why it’s very important to make sure you meet your daily protein needs through proper nutrition.

How many grams of protein powder can you take per day?

Normally, an adult of average height and weight, who does not practice competitive sport, should consume about 0.9 g of protein per kg of body.

Sportsmen, on the other hand, even non-professionals, who practice physical activity regularly, should take about 1.6 g or more of protein per kg of body per day, depending on the intensity of the training.

It is important to know that with age there is a loss of muscle mass; therefore, elderly subjects are advised to consume 1.2 g – 1.5 g per kilo of body weight.

When is the best time to take protein powder?

If it is true that the protein requirement of an average adult can be integrated with a balanced diet, it is equally true that some subjects, as just mentioned, need a higher daily protein intake.

The main purpose of protein powders is to develop and repair muscles, through protein synthesis, as well as to provide the energy needed for training.

This process is therefore essential especially for those who practice sports on a regular basis. Furthermore, it is important to know that, when you have been fasting for several hours, a process of “demolition” is triggered within the body, i.e. the body affects its protein reserves, starting with the muscles.

Knowing how and when to take protein powder is therefore of crucial importance.

Ideally, the protein intake should be divided evenly between the various meals and snacks of the day, normally three main meals and two snacks, but always according to one’s needs.

When to take protein powder if you play sports?

Proteins can be taken both before and after training, but if they are taken before it is advisable to choose a type that is easy to digest.

Taking them after the workout is instead essential, in order not to waste the efforts made during training.

In this way it is possible to benefit of the anabolic window. During this space of time the body needs the maximum supply of nutrients to rebuild the muscle tissue, which is subject to flaking when under stress.

The best way to take advantage of it is to eat proteins and carbohydrates in the 40 minutes following training, but the window remains active in the following 3 hours, halves after 24 and reduces to a third after 48 hours.

Which protein powder to choose and how to take it?

A great way to take the correct amount of protein and daily nutrients is undoubtedly to supplement your diet with protein powders and take them through protein shakes or smoothies.

Which protein powder to choose for muscle mass?

Protein shakes based on protein powders are one of the most practical and effective ways to meet your protein needs. The most common in the fitness world is whey protein.

Among these types of proteins there are four main types:

  • WPI (Whey Protein Isolate)
  • WPC (Whey Protein Concentrate)
  • WPH (Whey Protein Hydrolysed)
  • MPC (Milk Protein Concentrate, which differ from the others because they do not derive from whey, but from the milk itself)

Each one has its own characteristics and adapts to different needs, for more information you can read our article dedicated to whey proteins.

The main features of each type can be listed as follows.

WPI – Whey Protein Isolate:

  • 90% protein content
  • Lactose free
  • Carbohydrates and fats free
  • Excellent digestibility (30-60 minutes)

WPC – Whey Protein Concentrate:

  • 70-85% protein content
  • Suitable for weight loss
  • Good digestibility
  • Contain linoleic acid

(helps prevent obesity, diabetes and hypertension)

WPH – Whey Protein Hydrolysed:

  • Highly tolerated at the gastrointestinal level
  • Very high digestibility
  • Suitable for post-workout
  • Increase recovery speed after training

(when taken with liquids and carbohydrates)

MPC – Milk Protein Concentrate:

  • 80% protein content
  • Calcium and Vitamin D high content
  • Low in carbohydrates and fat
  • Can be used as powdered milk replacement for food making
  • Not suitable for lactose intolerants

Vegan protein powder

Even those who follow a vegan diet will benefit from protein powders, especially those from pea, soy and rice, which have a high biological value.

You can learn more about this topic by reading our article dedicated entirely to proteins of vegetable origin.

What are the best protein powders for weight loss?

Protein shakes are also useful in case of slimming diets, because they give a sense of satiety and contribute to the maintenance and growth of lean body mass and muscle mass.

In addition, protein powder contributes to the health of cartilage, bones and ligaments.

Keep following our magazine for insights and news on sports nutrition, health, nutrition, wellness and much more!

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